A boy feeds a homeless man without realizing he was being monitored.

After posting her son’s compassion, a proud mom’s Facebook status went viral. One day at work, he had to pick compassion or belittlement. He was deeply affected by his choice.
An evening at Burger King, Matthew Resendez saw a homeless man at his counter. He asked the youngster, “What can I get for 50 cents?” unwillingly.

Without hesitation, Matthew rung the man up for the biggest meal on the menu — he then reached for his own wallet and paid for the food with his own debit card.

Beautifully, the story doesn’t end there. A woman inside the restaurant witnessed Matthew’s good intentions and decided to pay it forward. She gave the boy a $100 bill.

After getting off work that day Matthew told his mom, Michelle Resendez, about what had happened. Radiating with pride she took Facebook.

Michelle Resendez

Proud mom moment! Matthew worked this evening and a homeless gentlemen walked in the restaurant with .50 cents and asked if there was anything on the menu he could buy. Matthew asked him what he would order if he could and the man said anything would help his hunger pains. So Matthew rung him up for a hearty meal and then used his own debit card to pay for the mans meal. He handed him the receipt and told him to relax and take a seat. The story could end there and It would be a happy ending, but apparently a women watched my son during his random act of kindness. Not only did she write the company to let them know about the caring employee they had working for them, she also rewarded my son with a very generous tip! So proud to be his mom and I can pat myself on the back knowing that I’ve played a part in raising this big hearted young man.

Michelle’s post has reached more than 40,000 people who have all agreed that we need more people like Matthew in this world.

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