A husband and wife playing a game

WIFE: Honey let’s play a game

HUSBAND: Okay. What’s the game about?

WIFE: If I mention a country, you run to the left side of the room and touch the wall & if I mention a bird, you run to the right side of the room and touch the wall.
If you run in the wrong direction, you’ll give me all your salary for this month

HUSBAND: Okay! And if you fail in your turn, I’ll have your salary too right?

WIFE: (smiles) Yes darling!

HUSBAND: Okay (stands up ready to run in any direction)

Wife: are you ready

Husband: Yes ready


It’s been 4 HOURS NOW…

The husband is still standing at the spot wondering if she meant the Country or the bird

Moral lesson… After God, Fear Wife!

An elderly gentleman was telling his friend about a new restaurant he and his wife recently visited.

“The food and service were great!” he said.

His friend asked, “What’s the name of the place?”

“Gee, I don’t remember,” he said, thinking.

Then he asked his friend, “What do you call the long stemmed flower

people give on special occasions?”

“You mean a rose?” asked his friend.

“That’s it!” he exclaimed and turning to his wife, asked, “Rose, what’s the name of that restaurant we went to the other day?”

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