Man Gives Woman a Lift Home, Her Husband and Brothers Come To His House Days Later – Story of the Day
A kindly man sees a woman alone waiting at a bus stop and offers her a lift. He is shocked and frightened when her husband shows up…

Husband Leaves Wife & Child for Younger Woman, Years Later Daughter Becomes His Boss — Story of the Day
A young girl is distraught to see her mom in tears after finding out that her dad had left them for a younger woman. She promises to…

Old Lady Invites Widowed Neighbor Home to Help Change His Son’s Diaper, Doesn’t Recognize Home Later — Story of the Day
A lonely elderly widow comes to the rescue of a desperate single dad with a crying newborn. Later she is stunned when she opens her front door…

Mom Asked Her Daughter What She Was Doing Standing On Heart-Print Paper: “I’m Sending Love To The World”
When Shannon Kishel saw her daughter standing on a piece of heart-print paper in the hallway of their home in Denver, Colorado, she asked her little one…

We Asked Him Why God Created Grandmas, And His Response Is Taking The Internet By Storm
No one can deny that grandmas are the best. They shower their grandchildren with so much love and are willing to do anything for their little ones….

Audience is s keptical boy with D’own s yndrome takes to the stage – Then The Music Starts
Before the performance began, you can see Andrew’s mom on the sidelines encouraging him and motioning for him how to get started. But when Andrew started to…

A Father Pretended To Be A Beggar And Returns To His Sons’ Houses. The First And Second Sons Shunned Him Out. When He Went To His Youngest Son’s House, He Decided To Stay
There was an old man named Liu Muhai, he and his wife had 3 sons. To support his sons, Liu Muhai went to the city to work….

Father Teaches Son True Values Of Life.
There was a boy, whose family was very wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed to show his…

VIDEO: A little skater glides onto the ice and waves to her mom before stealing the show with the cutest performance…
Many children wear their first pair of skates while they are still quite little. A child will be cruising the rink with enthusiasm by the time they…

Walmart Announces Plans To Replace Self-Checkout Machines With Something Even Better
One of the worst parts about shopping is dealing with checkout lines. At the height of business hours, these lines can stretch to five, six, and sometimes…