A Bat Invasion Forces Family Out of Their Home

A family in Georgia has been through a traumatic experience that forced them out of their rental home. Isaiah and Monica Grant, along with their two young children, were horrified when nearly 80 bats invaded their living space in Ardsley Park.

The ordeal began when the Grants noticed the first bat on January 18. Within a matter of days, more bats started swarming inside the house, even flying down the stairs and coming through the vents. Understandably, the family felt unsafe and decided to leave their home.

“We were like, we’re done, we have to get out of here, something is wrong,” Monica shared with WSAV. The Georgia Department of Public Health also declared the home to be an imminent health risk, further reinforcing their decision.

The Grants, originally from Chicago, sought shelter with a neighbor while dealing with the situation. The property owner, Cathleen Barela of Property Management Company, assured them that steps were being taken to address the bat infestation. The family was relieved to hear this, but they still faced inconveniences.

To protect themselves from potential rabies exposure, all four family members had to get immediate rabies shots. This was an unexpected expense they had to shoulder on their own. Bats are known to be the leading cause of rabies deaths in humans in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Grant family has created a GoFundMe page to seek financial assistance for finding a new home and covering their growing medical bills. However, their renters insurance provider stated that a bat infestation is not a covered loss, adding to their financial burden.

Despite the challenges they are facing, the Grants have been overwhelmed by the support they have received. They were even offered a furnished townhouse to stay in while they figure out their next steps. “Dracula is real, ya’ll,” Isaiah humorously commented on the situation.

It is important to note that not all bats have rabies, and it is impossible to determine just by looking at them. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reports that Georgia is home to 16 different species of bats. Confirming the presence of rabies in bats requires testing in a laboratory, as highlighted by the CDC.

The Grant family’s story serves as a reminder of the unexpected challenges that can arise, even in the safety of our own homes.

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