Husband Keeps Choosing His Mother over His Wife until the Latter Gives Him an Ultimatum

A Reddit user asked others on the platform if she was being unreasonable in issuing an ultimatum to her husband, who had been largely absent for much of her pregnancy. The woman explained that she and her husband had been together for five years and married for six months.Six months pregnant when she turned to fellow Reddit users for advice. The original poster (OP) shared that her husband and his mother had an unusually close relationship, saying:

“My husband has an unusually close relationship with his mother. He’ll call his mother for hours, talk to her, and spend more time with her than he does with me.”However, her final straw was the event that led to her posting on Reddit. When OP reached the sixth month of her pregnancy, she asked her husband if he could be around more and help her prepare for the child they expected to welcome.He told her that being around more would eat into the time he had to spend with his mother.

While OP understood that,she explained that she needed him more than his mother did at that point, to which he replied:You know my mom comes before you.”The Redditor was shocked by what her husband said but took it in her stride when he left to go to his mother’s house. She then did everything she needed to do by herself. While preparing for her child alone, her mother-in-law (MIL) phoned her and told her she had won!To make matters worse, as her MIL bragged about her win, OP could hear her husband laughing in the background. Although angry, she continued to go about her life as usual. A few weeks later,it was the couple’s anniversary, and while OP bought her husband a gift and prepared his favorite meal for the day, he had other plans for what to do with his time.While she was in the bathroom, her husband returned from work and left again. She thought he might be planning a surprise for her, but when he had still not returned half an hour later, she phoned to find out where he was. He confirmed being at his mother’s house, so she told him that his mother might as well be the one having his child, as he was acting as though he was in a relationship with her.After hanging up, OP received text messages from both her husband and MIL, telling her that she shouldn’t disrespect his mother and should find something else to do instead of being bitter and jealous. She turned to Reddit users to find out if she was in the wrong.Soon after posting her story, she updated it, thanking everyone who had sent her messages of support and told her she wasn’t wrong. She also admitted, “I think my MIL is competing with me,” adding that she might have to give him an ultimatum because after reading the comments, things could only get worse from there.Someone suggested she ask her husband why he enjoyed spending so much time with his mother, and he told her it was because his mother was a special person in his life. OP realized her MIL had no intention of changing and seriously considered divorcing her husband.She told her husband that she would divorce him if he didn’t stop acting like he was married to his mother. When he heard this, he began crying and vowed to change. OP was hopeful but knew she needed to talk to her MIL, who only told her she would never win.The Redditor clarified that there was no winning and losing and that if her MIL continued to act as she was, she would not have access to her grandchild. She confirmed that her husband had also stepped up since her conversation with him.

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