Alec and Hilaria Baldwin: Expanding Their Family and Facing Backlash

Expanding your family is a beautiful thing, especially when both partners are on the same page. Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria met in 2011 and tied the knot in 2012. Since then, they have been joyfully growing their family together.


Alec and Hilaria Baldwin faced backlash after welcoming their seventh child together

The couple wasted no time in starting a family, welcoming their first child in 2013. Four more children followed, and they even added a sixth child via a surrogate. In April 2021, the couple shared the exciting news of their seventh child on the way, and people were overjoyed for them.

Welcoming the Newest Addition
Hilaria took to Instagram to share the news of their daughter’s arrival. Accompanied by a selection of pictures and videos, she couldn’t hide her excitement. Their little bundle of joy, named Ilaria Catalina Irena, arrived on September 22, 2022, weighing a healthy 6 lbs. and 13 ounces.

Hilaria also shared how thrilled their other children were about their new sibling. She expressed her gratitude and love for her growing family and thanked everyone for their support.

A Controversial Name
While the Baldwins are enjoying their expanding family, not everyone had positive things to say about their newborn’s name. After previous controversy surrounding Hilaria’s heritage and alleged misrepresentation, people were taken aback by the blend of Spanish and Italian names they chose.

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