People called her ‘the ugliest bride in the world’

When this woman married six years ago, she received a lot of negative feedback about her look. But, six years later, she has undergone a remarkable turnaround…

In matters of taste, there can be no disputes. This maxim holds so much truth in itself, because the fact is that what is considered beautiful by some can be easily found unattractive by others.

When a Russian couple shared photos of their special day on the social media, little did they know that those photos would go viral for reasons they never thought of. The physical appearance of the bride was found funny by many, especially because she was quite chubby and relatively bigger than the groom. Soon after, the internet was flooded with negative comments about the couple and they became an object of ridicule and mockery.

Only few people close to the couple shared their congratulations and stood by their side.

There were lots of mean comments. Some even claimed that the groom was marrying the woman because she was probably rich and he loved her for her money, which was far from the truth.

This unfortunate event took place around six years ago, and despite all those years, the photos still get reshared every now and then and the comments are still as mean as when the photos first emerged on the social media.

Recently, a reported stumbled upon the viral photo of the couple and decided to do some research in order to learn if they are still together.

What he discovered was that the couple is still very much in love as day one. What shocked him, however, was the incredible transformation the woman has undergone during the years since her photo went viral and she was dubbed “the ugliest bride in the world.”

Today, it is very hard to tell that she is the same woman the internet mocked for the way she looked. She’s totally unrecognizable.
Not only she lost a significant amount of weight, but she changed her hairstyle and the way she dresses.

How many people can say they have undergone through such a drastic change in their life? Not many, I guess. It truly takes and incredible amount of devotion to be able to achieve something like that.

No one really knows what triggered the urge for the change. After seeing the new photos, many claim it was the pressure from the social media that forced the woman to lose weight although her husband loved her the way she was.

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