Sarah Jessica Parker, 59, slammed for wearing sheer dress that flaunts her figure – “She’s too old”

A funny thing, is aging. Ask most people and they’ll tell you that the most perplexing aspect lies in your outward appearance changing, but the real you feeling the same inside.

It’s also bemusing that certain individuals poke fun at others getting older, their looks beginning to reflect their advancing years. Like they themselves aren’t with one hundred percent certainty going to face the same process in the future?

In any case, we here at Newsner stand strongly against ever putting somebody down or openly criticizing their appearance, which is why it’s so jarring that it seems to happen so often, especially where celebrities are concerned.

Unfortunately, the internet has made it all too easy for people to air mean opinions without concern for reprisal or reprimand. We’re not saying that folk shouldn’t have a right to their opinions, only that if you’ve got nothing nice to say… well, then you probably shouldn’t be saying it.

This week it was iconic actress Sarah Jessica Parker’s turn to stand in the social media firing line over her decision to wear a certain dress on the set of And Just Like That.

At 59, SJP’s been in the public eye for a very long time now, having risen swiftly up the rungs of fame after the wild popularity of Sex and the City. As such, she’ll likely be plenty acquainted with the chopping and changing nature of opinions online.

Even so, she might not have expected some of the distasteful comments posted on a picture she shared this week from the set of And Just Like That, the follow up series to Sex and the City.

The image saw Jessica Parker – in her famous role as Carrie – donning a sheer nude dress, transparent enough to reveal her orange underwear and black bra combo underneath.

Yet while the majority of people simply weighed in to express their appreciation for the actress, there were others who hit out at the costume.

Yeah, why did they assume her style would be like this in her 50s?” pondered one person on Instagram.

“She’s too old,” added another.

A third said: “Clothes are horrible, terrible fashion.”

Others were rather kinder in their assessments, writing things like: “Carrie hasn’t aged a day.”

“The cutest 🤍 our Carrie is backkk,” another said.

A third added: “Queen queen queen 👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼“

What do you think to Sarah Jessica Parker’s outfit? Let us know in the comments.

Meanwhile, if you’re a fan of celebrity news and would like to see more from Newsner, check out the article below:

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