I HAVE WORLD’S biggest boobs In prison

In prison, Keisha Johnson, an attractive African American woman, gained fame for possessing the world’s largest breasts at 164XXX cups, each weighing 40lbs. Originally a natural D cup, she underwent three surgeries, including polypropylene string breast implants (now banned) that could lead to cartoonish enlargement, as warned by Dr. Anthony Youn.

Despite the massive size, Keisha Johnson claims her back remains unharmed, thanks to dedicated back exercises. She plans to reduce her breast size in the future and keeps her fans updated on Instagram as the “queen of boobs.”

In contrast, Texas model Serena Monroe boasts saline implants exceeding 20lb each and aspires to have even larger breasts, facing clothing challenges due to her size. On the natural side, Annie Hawkins-Turner owns the world’s largest natural breasts, still growing at 60lb each, amassing a growing fan base.

This transformation story unfolds within the confines of prison, where Keisha Johnson’s journey to fame takes an unexpected turn.


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