She was considered the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. Today at 85, she is unrecognizable

Ali MacGraw, born Elizabeth Alice MacGraw on April 1, 1939, in Pound Ridge, New York, is a celebrated American actress, model, author, and animal rights activist.

Best known for her roles in “Love Story” and “The Getaway,” MacGraw’s life and career have been marked by dramatic highs and personal challenges.

Growing up in an artistic household, MacGraw’s interest in the arts was nurtured by her parents, both accomplished artists. After studying art history at Wellesley College, she worked in the fashion industry, including roles at Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue.

Breakthrough in Film
MacGraw’s striking looks and charisma led her from modeling to acting. She made her film debut in 1968’s “A Lovely Way to Die,” but her role in “Goodbye, Columbus” (1969) earned her a Golden Globe. Her breakout came in 1970 with “Love Story,” earning her an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe, making her a household name

Personal Life and Public Image
MacGraw married film producer Robert Evans in 1969, with whom she had a son, Josh. Their marriage ended in 1972, the same year she starred in “The Getaway” and began a relationship with Steve McQueen. They married in 1973, but their tumultuous relationship ended in divorce in 1978.

Later Career and Activism

MacGraw returned to the screen with roles in “Convoy” (1978) and “The Winds of War” (1983). In the late 1980s, she moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, focusing on personal growth, yoga, meditation, and animal rights activism. Her 1991 autobiography, “Moving Pictures,” details her Hollywood experiences and journey to self-discovery.

Ali MacGraw’s legacy is a testament to her talent, resilience, and ability to reinvent herself. Her classic film performances continue to resonate, and her advocacy for animal welfare and holistic living inspires many.

Today, MacGraw remains an iconic figure in American cinema and a beloved advocate for compassion and mindfulness.

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