Bruce Willis, renowned for his iconic roles in films like Die Hard, has been facing significant health challenges in recent years. Diagnosed with aphasia in 2022 and later with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in 2023, his condition has profoundly impacted his life and those of his loved ones.
FTD is a degenerative brain disorder that affects the frontal and temporal lobes, leading to changes in personality, behavior, and language. According to the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, it is among the most common dementias for individuals under 60. The typical life expectancy post-diagnosis ranges from six to eight years, though it can be as brief as two years in certain cases.
In the midst of these challenges, Bruce’s ex-wife, Demi Moore, has remained a steadfast pillar of support. The two share three daughters—Rumer, Scout, and Tallulah—and have maintained a close-knit family dynamic despite their divorce in 2000. Demi has been candid about the journey, emphasizing the importance of accepting Bruce’s current state.
She shared during the Hamptons International Film Festival in October 2024, “When you’re holding on to what was, I think it’s a losing game. But when you show up to meet them where they’re at, there is great beauty and sweetness.” People Read more below