Husband mocks his wife’s breasts at the dinner table – but her brilliant revenge is gold

At the dinner table one night, a mother, father, son, and daughter were discussing something out of the ordinary. When his daughter inquired as to the many forms of female busts, the father decided to insult his wife in jest.

“Dad, can you tell me about the different types of breasts?” enquired the son.

Surprised by his son’s inquiry, the father said, “Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts. A woman’s breasts in her twenties are similar to melons; they are solid and spherical. Pears are a good analogy for her thighs and hips in her thirties and forties. They turn into onions after the age of fifty.

The boy was overheard asking, “Onions?”
The father confirmed, “Yes, you see them, and they make you cry.”

Daughter, taken aback by her father’s response, decides to ask about the various “wilies” (penises). The mother replied, “Well, dear, a man goes through three phases,” before cracking a wry grin. His willy in his twenties is strong and sturdy, like an oak tree. It’s a birch when he’s in his 30s and 40s, malleable but steady. And by the time you get fifty, it looks like a decorated tree.

The daughter questioned, “A Christmas tree?”
“Yes, completely rotten from the ground up, and the balls are for show.”

The dad, feeling completely bamboozled, said nothing in response to his wife’s witty retort. It felt good to get even.

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