I Told My Wife to Get Out after Her Nefarious Plan Was Exposed

A husband started noticing his things around the house disappear. He grew suspicious until he overheard one conversation that led him to the answers he needed.

A husband took it to Reddit to explain a situation that led him to kick his wife out of their house. The 26-year-old man revealed that he was married to his wife Emma for four years.

The couple met while they were studying. The husband majored in mechanical engineering while his wife studied social work. Their love story started when Emma asked him to tutor her.

After the couple completed their studies, the husband decided to do his Masters in Japanese to better his future career; however, his wife did not think it was a great idea and refused to finance it.

So, in the spirit of keeping the peace, the couple decided to keep their finances separate. At the time the Original Poster (OP) was studying, his wife was making more money than him while he was splitting his time between his studies and work.

Eventually, the OP finished his Master’s degree, and the decision paid off because he landed a high-paying job. But he got even busier since his new job required him to travel to Japan. Nonetheless, the extra money allowed him to invest in his other interests, like gaming.

A man on a gaming computer | Source: Shutterstock

The OP invested $1500 in a gaming computer, and when his wife saw the receipt, she was not impressed. She thought it was an irresponsible purchase, but the husband told his wife he was now making triple what she made. Emma did not take the comment well and started giving him the silent treatment.

Soon after this purchase, the OP said he noticed many things around the house go missing. One day, he wanted to go fishing with friends but realized his rods were missing. He asked his wife about it, and she said she had given them to her uncle.

The OP was fine since the rods were old, and decided to buy new ones. But he told the wife to stop taking his things without asking. However, more stuff kept disappearing. The husband realized his pre-workout jars, which he would usually stock up on, were gone.

He asked his wife about them, and she said she gave them to her cousin. This time, the OP told her to reimburse him as each jar cost $50, but Emma told him he made enough to replace them.

One day, the husband overheard his wife on the phone with someone he believed was her sister. He heard her telling the person that she planned on moving her in-laws into their home, but this was not a plan that the OP was aware of.

A man peeking through a door | Source: Shutterstock

Emma also mentioned that she wanted to give her brother her husband’s gaming computer to make more space in the house. The OP explained that they lived in a three-bedroom house with two rooms that worked as offices and the other as their bedroom.

The husband wanted to catch his wife and brother in action, so he left work early and found them moving things into a box. “I asked what was going on, and my wife, whose face was pale, said she was cleaning when her brother came by,” wrote the OP.

The OP asked the brother if he planned on taking his computer, and he denied it. So he took the iPad that he shared with his wife and showed the messages where Emma was asking her brother to come pick up the computer.

A woman touching her ring finger | Source: Shutterstock

The 26-year-old was angry and started yelling at his wife, asking her why she felt entitled to his things. The husband had never shouted at Emma, so she immediately started crying. But the tears did not move him. He told the brother to leave his house, and his wife started packing her bags, too.

Emma went to stay with her sister, and her husband got a lock for his office while she was away. But the OP started douting how he handled the situation when he received texts from Emma’s sister telling him he was selfish.People in the comments were not impressed with how Emma victimized herself when she was the one giving away her husband’s stuff. To many, the marriage seemed to have reached its wits end and was due for a divorce.

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