Clever girl

The innocence of little children is unmatched. They always speak their mind without considering the consequences and are the most sincere humans there are.

A young girl turned to her mom one day because she had a story to share.

“Mummy, when you were away at work a strange lady came around”… “Not now,” her mom said, “Wait until Daddy gets home.”

After some time, the girl’s daddy comes home and the mom is eager her daughter shares the story and reveals her husband’s infidelity. “Now dear, what were you saying about Daddy and the strange lady?” the mom asks.

The dad, aware something bad was going to happen tries to stop his daughter from speaking, but the mom insists, and tells him, “You keep quiet – I’ll be talking to my attorney in the morning. Carry on, dear.”

The girl then starts her story.

”Well,” says the little girl, “Daddy told me to stay downstairs while they went upstairs, but I followed them without Daddy seeing me,and I saw them hugging and kissing at the top of the stairs.

Then they went into your bedroom and shut the door, but I went up and looked through the keyhole.”

”Clever girl,” the mom says proudly. “What could you see through the keyhole?”

“I saw them hugging and kissing some more, and then they started to take each other’s clothes off, and they carried on until they had nothing on, and then the lady got on the bed and Daddy got on top of her.”

”Yes?” says mummy. “And then what happened?”

“Then they did what you and Uncle Jack did when Daddy was in Vancouver last year,” the girl said with confidence and a smile on her face, leaving both her parents shocked beyond belief.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

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