My Sister Invited Me to an Upscale Restaurant, Vanished into the Bathroom When It Was Time to Pay the Bills

A woman was excited when her sister, who had relocated to a town nearby, invited her out for dinner. But she was left shocked when she disappeared as soon as it was time to settle the bill.

A Reddit user with the username Wild-Eggplant1780 was excited to have her sister move closer to her. She could not wait for them to spend more time together and create new memories.

Two women enjoying a hot drink | Source: Shutterstock

The sister moved to a town close to her, and nearby was a shopping center with various exciting shops and restaurants. There was even a high-end restaurant that the Redditor loved to go to with her husband.

Since the place was on the higher end, and dinner would cost them between $200-$250, the Redditor and her husband did not visit the restaurant often. However, when her sister invited them for dinner, she suggested they go to the upscale eatery.


A woman talking on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

Knowing how pricey the restaurant was, she asked her sister to first look at the menu to see if she was comfortable with the food prices but pointed out that there were many other great and affordable places to eat.

However, the sister insisted that she wanted to try the restaurant. The Redditor was excited to go again since she and her husband had not eaten there in a while. Her sister brought her boyfriend, and the family had an amazing dinner together.


People eating sushi | Source: Shutterstock

After eating, the sister excused herself to go to the bathroom, but she took so long that her boyfriend decided to check on her. More time went by, and the boyfriend also never returned.

The Redditor and her husband went to check on them and realized they had left. As confused as can be, she texted and called her sister, who eventually sent a message that read, “Thanks for dinner; it was just as amazing as you said it would be.”


Friends enjoying a meal | Source: Shutterstock

Again, she and her husband were left perplexed. The woman continued to text her sister, asking her why she left her with the bill when she never agreed to pay for everyone. But the sister did not respond.

Taking Action
The Reddit user warned her sister that if she did not come back to the restaurant in 30 minutes to settle her bill, she would pay for her and her husband’s portion and let the establishment take legal action.


A woman looking worried at a restaurant table | Source: Shutterstock

Thirty minutes went by, and the woman did as promised. She gave the restaurant her sister’s details and paid for her and her husband. The sister did not believe the woman would actually leave her bill unpaid, so the next day, she called her, angry, telling her that she was getting calls from the restaurant asking her to pay for her share of the food.

The Redditor felt no remorse. She said, “I’m not surprised since she skipped out on her bill.” But her sister reasoned that she usually paid for their dinners. She added:

“She then said she thought I’d just pay, but when I asked the waiter for separate checks, she realized I wasn’t and left for the bathroom, planning to ditch.”


A woman with a watch checking the time | Source: Shutterstock

However, the woman explained that she had paid for dinners that added up to a maximum of $60, not a dinner for four people that cost $450. Besides that, she reminded her sister that she had asked if she was certain about the place because of how pricey it was. Not to mention that she never agreed to pay.

Therefore, the woman advised her sister to make her way to the restaurant and pay for her bill before they called the police. Still, the sister refused and asked Redditor to pay because it would embarrass her.

The woman was stern about not covering the food costs and insisted that her sister take care of it. The issue escalated, and the family got involved. Eventually, the Redditor found herself being pressured to pay the bill.


A restaurant bill and credit card | Source: Shutterstock

She still felt uncomfortable and angry about how her sibling handled the situation, so she asked other Reddit users if she would be wrong if she did not pay the bill and let the restaurant call the police on her.

Commenter’s Reaction
Many commenters agreed with how the Redditor handled the situation. People commended her for standing her ground and not paying for her sister and her boyfriend. Netizens said it was “scammy” of the sister to assume that she would cover their expensive meals.


A woman shocked at the amount on her bill | Source: Shutterstock

Others added that the rule of thumb on eating out is that the bill is split amongst everyone unless someone has already volunteered to pay. Additionally, people said since the sister was the one who invited her out for dinner, the Redditor should have been the one assuming that her bill would be taken care of.

Another angry commenter wondered how old the sister was and emphasized that they would expect such behavior from a 16-year-old. The netizen added that they would most likely take a long break from eating out with them again or even seeing them.


A woman looking angry while on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

The woman revealed that she and her sister were both in their 30s. She said her sister had always commented about how much she earned. Even though the Redditor admitted to being more of a saver than a spender, she sometimes felt like a “piggy bank and not a sister.”

She remembered when her sister’s boyfriend had just bought a car, and she pointed out that she was also looking into getting a new one. Then her sister weighed in a said, “You make xxx; you can definitely afford that car,” which made her feel like her sister saw her for her money and not as her sibling. Do you think the Redditor was right not to pay the bill and let the restaurant call the police on her?

Here is another story about a woman who embarrassed her in-laws when they slipped the bill to her and her husband after an expensive meal.

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